Our bet is that most of you have your routines for gathering the latest news, It could be thumbing through the Express on the Metro every morning, reading the New York Times on Sundays, or just browsing the Twittersphere for the top headlines. Well, here is one more information source to add to your list: VassarClubDC.org.
In May 2012, the Vassar Club of DC launched a new and improved website designed to be a one-stop destination for all Vassar-related news in our nation’s capital. On the site you’ll find information on the Vassar Club of DC like how to become a club member or attend an upcoming event. You’ll also find a steady stream of the top news releases from Vassar, as well as a plethora of ways to connect with the college.
The site is a collaborative effort by a number of young Vassar alumnae/i including Teddy Weiss ’09, Brian Farkas ’10, and Eric Estes ’11. One of the nice things about VassarClubDC.org is that while it highlights the perks and beauties of being a Vassar grad in Washington, it also matches a number of other Vassar Club sites from different cities across the USA. This uniformity gives alumnae/i a way to stay connected to the college and other alumnae/i even as they move throughout the country.
If you haven’t had the chance to check out VassarClubDC.org yet, do so today! While you’re at it, add the site to your bookmarks so you can check back frequently for news about the college or upcoming events.